Monday, April 7, 2008

Ups and Downs

Everyone recovered from their colds. I saw Dr. A again a couple of weeks ago and he dropped my prednisone down to 5mg. I didn't really have any side effects from that. He also raised my methotrexate to 17.5, which has made me feel a little worse. It gives me headaches and some more nausea. Dr. L told me to double my folic acid the day I take my methotrexate and the day after. I don't really think that has helped much though.

All in all, I think I am doing really well. Dr. A said I could get out more and didn't have to be so restricted with being in public like I was on the Cytoxan. So a few days ago I decided to take Amelia into the grocery store to pick up some formula. Of course, she spent the entire time running her mouth all over the handle of the cart. I couldn't stop her. I was just thinking, "Well, this is going to make her sick again. We're all going to end up with the flu!" Of course her nose started running yesterday and she is cranky. I am hoping it's just cause she is getting a new tooth (her 6th one!)