Sunday, July 29, 2007

Prednisone Worries

In general my arthritis is much better although today my left ankle has been bothering me a lot and my left knee a little bit. The fingertip joints on both my pointer fingers are very sore. I keep hurting them when I try to turn on a lamp. I have noticed that my hips ache slightly when I am trying to go to sleep. I am hoping this isn’t the dreaded hip bone Avascular Necrosis being caused by the prednisone.

Speaking of prednisone, I am really hungry a lot of the time. It is really hard not to eat all day long. It is kind of nice to have an appetite and the ability to chew again though (now that the gingivitis is gone). I also think the prednisone is making it hard for me to go to sleep at night (It’s 2:30am now). I am going to ask Dr. Awadh if switching to 1x a day in the morning would be better than taking a dose both at morning and night.

I was pretty tired today. I can barely sit up in the morning I am so tired. I usually feed Amelia, eat breakfast, pump and then have to go back to sleep. Jackie watched Amelia while I napped this morning. I also got really tired this evening and took a nap from around 5pm-7pm while Amelia slept.

My eyes are feeling pretty dry and scratchy. I have a small sore on the right side of my tongue.

My sinuses are much much clearer than they were a couple of weeks ago. My ears don’t hurt and feel clear.

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