Friday, September 7, 2007

It's getting better all the time

I've been feeling so much better lately, which seems odd because they upped my Cytoxan dosage at the start of the week. I think I have been helped by the extra sleep, but I am also wondering if cutting the Cytoxan tablets in half last week was a bad idea. Once I started taking 4 whole tablets (instead of 3 1/2), I think my nausea subsided a lot.

My mom has been in Arkansas the past couple of days, and I have been doing fine on my own. In fact, I think I have been getting quite a bit more of my own work done (thank you notes, bills, etc) instead of helping her all day. :)

The endocrinologist office finally called to schedule an appointment for me. They can't get me in until October 29th. Isn't that crazy? I am so happy that Dr. Awadh actually started me on the vasopressin (actually it is desmopressin) before then. I live in such a highly developed country and despite a pretty high deductable, have good health insurance, but I can't see a doctor for 2 months. I can't see how socialized medicine could be much worse.

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