Sunday, June 15, 2008


Of course, I woke up with a headache on Saturday. I know it was because I bragged about not having had one in so long... or maybe it was because I was up till 2am the night before. I didn't even have a good reason for being up so late. Ross had to do work so he was using the laptop while I watched the Tivo and I didn't really want to go to bed alone. At least it wasn't too bad of a headache. 1000mg of Tylenol and a cup of caffeinated tea seemed to do the trick. Luckily Ross was able to deal with Amelia for an hour or so while I pulled myself together. Otherwise I doubt I would have ever gotten functional.

One of the hardest things about having a baby is that you can't take a break. You don't get a sick day and ironically, I am sick all the time. It doesn't matter how much your feet hurt from arthritis or if you are vomiting or have diarrhea or something else God awful, the baby still needs fed (and changed and burped and entertained and and and and and...) I don't remember anyone talking about that before we had Amelia. Maybe for other parents it isn't quite as big of a problem because they are only sick a few times a year and not constantly.

Oh, and I'm starting up my methotrexate again tonight.

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