Sunday, April 4, 2010

Crazy News

So my dad has been struggling with pneumonia for the past month or so. He recently ended up in the hospital because he wasn't getting better and now they are telling him that he may have Wegener's too. I can't even wrap my mind around this. Wegener's isn't actually hereditary, so this is soooo weird. Maybe we were both exposed to something? Maybe it isn't really Wegener's that he has. They did a lung biopsy and a C-ANCA but the results aren't back yet. We'll know more later this week. Wow. Just, wow.


j said...

it could also be vasculitus in general, they group WG with it alot. I know that vasculitus is heriditary so that could be it... hope verything is okay.

Anonymous said...

What was it?