Monday, August 13, 2007

Good Weekend

It was a really nice weekend.

Yesterday morning Ross and I went back to our house and gathered up a few more things to bring to my moms. We also got my car so I will be able to drive myself to my labs. I am hopeful that I will stay feeling good enough to be able to do that. The Cytoxin has made me a bit nauseated everyday around noon, and I would say I have been getting progressively more tired each afternoon. However, I have been doing tons of Amelia's care on my own and have been really active, so some of my fatigue might be from that. Today was actually the first time I have had to nap in about a week.

Last night Robin and Adam came over and we had a fantastic time. They brought pizza. I made bubble tea and we talked for several hours while Jackie and my mom looked after Amelia. As much as I hated to quit breastfeeding, it was pretty nice for someone else to be able to feed her while I talked with my friends.

The prednisone is making my face look awfully round and fat. They call it 'moonfaced'. I am also getting more facial hair. Ick. Well, since dog training is out for a while, maybe I can apply for a 'freak' position at the state fair. I don't think that requires anything more strenuous than smiling politely at people.

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